

15:45 Ticket #4 (torrent editor) created by cyla <ghudiczius@gmail.com>
add a page after torrent upload, where users are able to …


02:29 Contact edited by Gabor Hudiczius
02:29 Screenshots edited by Gabor Hudiczius
02:29 Changelog edited by Gabor Hudiczius
02:28 InstallationGuide edited by Gabor Hudiczius
02:28 Download edited by Gabor Hudiczius


00:14 WikiStart edited by Gabor Hudiczius
00:07 Changelog edited by Gabor Hudiczius


11:26 Ticket #1 (stop/start/close/open multiple torrents) closed by Gabor Hudiczius
fixed: done, for all torrents, and not with checkboxes


15:18 Changelog edited by Gabor Hudiczius
15:06 Changelog edited by Gabor Hudiczius
15:05 Changelog edited by Gabor Hudiczius
14:43 Changelog edited by Gabor Hudiczius
03:27 Ticket #3 (installation manual) updated by Gabor Hudiczius
Status changed
03:26 Ticket #1 (stop/start/close/open multiple torrents) updated by Gabor Hudiczius
Status changed
03:26 Ticket #2 (change priority for multiple files/whole directories) updated by Gabor Hudiczius
Version, Status changed
03:25 Ticket #1 (stop/start/close/open multiple torrents) updated by Gabor Hudiczius
Version changed
03:20 WikiStart edited by Gabor Hudiczius
03:19 Changelog created by Gabor Hudiczius
02:47 WikiStart edited by Gabor Hudiczius


23:01 Ticket #3 (installation manual) created by cyla <ghudiczius@gmail.com>
write a proper step by step (copy&paste?) installation guide (and one …
22:59 Ticket #2 (change priority for multiple files/whole directories) created by cyla <ghudiczius@gmail.com>
add the option to the file list page to change the priority of all …
22:57 Ticket #1 (stop/start/close/open multiple torrents) created by cyla <ghudiczius@gmail.com>
make it able to stop/start/close/open multiple torrents on the main …


23:20 WikiStart edited by Gabor Hudiczius
20:14 InstallationGuide edited by Gabor Hudiczius
19:35 InstallationGuide created by Gabor Hudiczius
05:24 Download created by Gabor Hudiczius
05:22 Screenshots created by Gabor Hudiczius
04:58 Contact created by Gabor Hudiczius
04:53 WikiStart edited by Gabor Hudiczius
04:45 WikiStart edited by Gabor Hudiczius
03:57 WikiStart edited by Gabor Hudiczius
cleanup (diff)
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