Changes between Version 9 and Version 10 of InstallationGuide

02/16/08 01:52:02 (16 years ago)
Gabor Hudiczius



  • InstallationGuide

    v9 v10  
    1111  * compiled with "--with-xmlrpc-c"
    1212  * sigc++-2.0
    13  * XMLRPC-C >= 1.07
     13 * XMLRPC-C >= 1.00 ( >= 1.07 recommended)
    1414 * some webserver
    1515  * php5, with the following extensions:
     16   * curl (when using an SCGI gateway)
    1617   * xml
    1718   * xsl (libxslt1.1)
    2930  * [#rtwi Installing rTWi]
    3031  * [#addingusers Adding users]
    31   * [#geoipsupport GeoIP support]
     32  * [#geoipsupport GeoIP support (optional)]
    3334=== rTorrent side === #rtorrentside
    8990If you don't have a .rtorrent.rc file, create one into your home directory.
    90 You can find an example [ .rtorrent.rc] file.
    91 Open .rtorrent.rc, and edit it (for each user):
    92  * add this line to your .rtorrent.rc "scgi_port =" where 12345 can be replaced by any port of your choice
    93  * and restart rtorrent
    94  * if you have more than one user, set a different port for each user's .rtorrent.rc file (be aware, to set different session directories for the users)
    95  * set your download directory
    96  * make sure, you have your session directory set and it exists, so rtorrent will remember your torrents after it's restarted
     91You can find an example [ .rtorrent.rc] file on the rTorrent page.[[BR]]
     92Edit your .rtorrent.rc (create on into your home directory, if it's a fresh install):
     93 * set up how rtorrent should listen for connections (there are 3 ways to do this)
     94  * to use a unix socket, add the line "scgi_local = ~/torrent/.socket/rpc.socket" (this is the recommended way)
     95  * to listen for connections from localhost on port 12345 add the line "scgi_port = :12345"
     96  * to listen for connections from a specific interface on port 12345 add the line "scgi_port ="
     97 * if you have more than one user, set a different scgi_port/scgi_local value in each user's .rtorrent.rc file
     98 * set your download directory "directory = ~/torrent/
     99 * absolute paths are always welcome, however rTWi should handle relative paths, like above (if it does not, submit a [/rtwi/newticket ticket]
     100 * make sure, you have your session directory set and it exists, so rtorrent will remember your torrents after it's restarted "session = ~/torrent/.session" (be aware to set different session directories for the users)
    98 Now, you can start rtorrent. On the bottom, you should see something like this:
     102Now, you can start rTorrent. On the bottom, you should see something like this:
    100104(20:55:52) XMLRPC initialized with 356 functions.
    105109==== Installing and setting up rTWi ==== #rtwi
    107 If everything went fine, extract the rtwi-xxxxxx.tar.gz to some place where your webserver can see it.
    108 In case it's your first install, open the freshly extracted includes/, and edit the next lines:
    109  * set the $url!["base"] variable to your rTWi installation's URL (without index file, and with a trailing slash, so something like ''!'')
    110  * if your php interpreter does not handle .html files (only .php) set the $url!["index"] variable to "index.php", and rename the index.html to index.php
     111Download the [/rtwi/downloads/rtwi-latest.tar.gz latest rTWi] from the [wiki:Download Download] section, extract it to some place where your webserver can see it.
     112Edit your configuration file (includes/rtwi.conf):
     113 * set the "base" variable to your rTWi installation's URL (without index file, and with a trailing slash) "base ="
     114 * set the "user_conf" variable to the path of your user.conf file (it's always safe, to keep it outside your webroot)
     115 * if your want to rename your index.php and/or input.php you need to set the "index" and/or "input" variable(s)
    112117==== Adding users ==== #addingusers
    114  * find row 32, and change it:
    115  * uncomment the line (delete the slashes from the beginning of the line)
    116  * replace "username" with the actual linux username
    117  * replace "1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef12345678" with the users' sha1 hash of the choosen password for the webui (you can generate the sha1 hash [ online])
    118  * replace "12345", with the port, you've set in the user's .rtorrent.rc file
    119  * keep the quotes in the last three steps
     119Edit your users.conf file:
     120 * create a new section for every user "[user1]" (this will be your login name - this must be the *nix username)
     121 * set the address rTWi can connect to the user's rTorrent (there are 3 ways to do it)
     122  * if you're using a unix socket enter "address = !unix://~/torrent/.socket/rpc.socket"
     123  * if you're using scgi_port enter "address =" ("address = :12345" works for localhost)
     124  * if you're using an SCGI gateway enter "address = !" (also works when Basic HTTP Authentication is on for the URL)
     125 * enter "pass = 1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef12345678" where the right side is the sha1 hash of the choosen password for the user (you can generate the sha1 hash [ online])
     126 * If a value in the conf file contains any non-alphanumeric characters it needs to be enclosed in double-quotes (")
    120127 * if you have more than one user, you have to repeat these steps for each one of them, so you'll get something like this:
    122 $users = array(
    123         "user1"         => array( "pass" => "1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef12345678", "port"  => "12345" ),
    124         "user2"         => array( "pass" => "1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef12345678", "port"  => "12346" ),
    125         "user3"         => array( "pass" => "1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef12345678", "port"  => "12347" ),
    126 );
     131address =  "address = unix://~/torrent/.socket/rpc.socket"
     132pass =     "1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef12345678"
     135address =  ""
     136pass =     "1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef12345678"
     139address =  ""
     140pass =     "1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef12345678"
    129 ==== GeoIP support ==== #geoipsupport
     143==== GeoIP support (optional) ==== #geoipsupport
    131145You need to install the GeoIP c library (, and the GeoIP PECL module (
     146You'll need the following packages to to add GeoIP support to rTWi
     147 * libgeoip-dev
     148 * php-pear
     149 * php5-dev
     151If you have the packages installed, type
    133 apt-get install libgeoip-dev
    134 apt-get install php-pear php5-dev
    135153pecl install geoip
    137156After you finished, you might want to add "" to php.ini