= Installation guide = [[rTWiToC]] * [#prerequisites Prerequisites] * [#installation Installation] * [#troubleshooting Troubleshooting] == Prerequisites == #prerequisites * rTorrent 0.8.0 * compiled with "--with-xmlrpc-c" * sigc++-2.0 * XMLRPC-C >= 1.00 ( >= 1.07 recommended) * some webserver * php5, with the following extensions: * curl (when using an SCGI gateway) * xml * xsl (libxslt1.1) * xmlrpc == Installation == #installation * [#rtorrentside rTorrent side] * [#preparing Preparing the system] * [#xmlrpc Installing XMLRPC-C] * [#libtorrent Installing libTorrent] * [#rtorrent Installing rTorrent] * [#rtorrentsetup Setting up rTorrent] * [#rtwiside rTWi side] * [#rtwi Installing rTWi] * [#addingusers Adding users] * [#geoipsupport GeoIP support (optional)] === rTorrent side === #rtorrentside ==== Preparing the system ==== #preparing You'll need the following packages to install xmlrpc-c, libtorrent and rtorrent * make * pkg-config * sigc++-2.0-dev * libncurses-dev * libcurl-openssl-dev ==== Installing XMLRPC-C ==== #xmlrpc To install xmlrpc, get the source from [http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=16847 The XMLRPC-C page] In my case, i could only compile the 1.11.00 version (due to a known bug, you may try to configure with --disable-cplusplus, if the compiling stops with some syntax error)[[BR]] Of course, you can try any version, over 1.07 (or any version over 1.00, but you'll get incorrect data for values bigger than 2^31^-1, since it does not support 64bit integers) Follow the next steps: {{{ cd /usr/src wget http://dfn.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/xmlrpc-c/xmlrpc-c-1.11.00.tgz tar xvf xmlrpc-c-1.11.00.tgz cd xmlrpc-c-1.11.00 ./configure make make install }}} ==== Installing libTorrent ==== #libtorrent To install libtorrent, follow the next steps: {{{ mkdir /usr/src/libtorrent wget http://libtorrent.rakshasa.no/downloads/libtorrent-0.12.0.tar.gz tar xvf libtorrent-0.12.0.tar.gz cd /usr/src/libtorrent-0.12.0 ./configure make make install }}} ==== Installing rTorrent ==== #rtorrent To install rtorrent, follow the next steps: {{{ mkdir /usr/src/rtorrent wget http://libtorrent.rakshasa.no/downloads/rtorrent-0.8.0.tar.gz tar xvf rtorrent-0.8.0.tar.gz cd /usr/src/rtorrent-0.8.0 ./configure --with-xmlrpc-c make make install }}} ==== Setting up rTorrent ==== #rtorrentsetup If you don't have a .rtorrent.rc file, create one into your home directory. You can find an example [http://libtorrent.rakshasa.no/browser/trunk/rtorrent/doc/rtorrent.rc?rev=latest .rtorrent.rc] file on the rTorrent page.[[BR]] Edit your .rtorrent.rc (create on into your home directory, if it's a fresh install): * set up how rtorrent should listen for connections (there are 3 ways to do this) * to use a unix socket, add the line ''scgi_local = ~/torrent/.socket/rpc.socket'' (this is the recommended way) * to listen for connections from localhost on port 12345 add the line ''scgi_port = :12345'' * to listen for connections from a specific interface on port 12345 add the line ''scgi_port ='' * if you have more than one user, set a different scgi_port/scgi_local value in each user's .rtorrent.rc file * set your download directory ''directory = ~/torrent/'' * absolute paths are always welcome, however rTWi should handle relative paths, like above (if it does not, submit a [/rtwi/newticket ticket] * make sure, you have your session directory set and it exists, so rtorrent will remember your torrents after it's restarted ''session = ~/torrent/.session'' (be aware to set different session directories for the users) Now, you can start rTorrent. On the bottom, you should see something like this: {{{ (20:55:52) XMLRPC initialized with 356 functions. }}} === rTWi side === #rtwiside ==== Installing and setting up rTWi ==== #rtwi Download the [/rtwi/downloads/rtwi-latest.tar.gz latest rTWi] from the [wiki:Download Download] section, extract it to some place where your webserver can see it. Edit your configuration file (includes/rtwi.conf): * set the ''base'' variable to your rTWi installation's URL (without index file, and with a trailing slash) ''base = "http://example.com/"'' * set the ''user_conf'' variable to the path of your user.conf file (it's always safe, to keep it outside your webroot) * if your want to rename your index.php and/or input.php you need to set the ''index'' and/or ''input'' variable(s) * If a value in the conf file contains any non-alphanumeric characters it needs to be enclosed in double-quotes (") ==== Adding users ==== #addingusers Edit your users.conf file: * create a new section for every user ''[user1]'' (this will be your login name - this must be the *nix username) * set the address rTWi can connect to the user's rTorrent (there are 3 ways to do it) * if you're using a unix socket enter ''address = "!unix://~/torrent/.socket/rpc.socket"'' * if you're using scgi_port enter ''address = ""'' (''address = ":12345"'' works for localhost) * if you're using an SCGI gateway enter ''address = "!http://example.com/RPC2"'' (also works when Basic HTTP Authentication is on for the URL) * enter ''pass = "1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef12345678"'' where the right side is the sha1 hash of the choosen password for the user (you can generate the sha1 hash [http://www.johnmaguire.us/tools/hashcalc/index.php online]) * if a value in the conf file contains any non-alphanumeric characters it needs to be enclosed in double-quotes (") * if you have more than one user, you have to repeat these steps for each one of them, so you'll get something like this: {{{ [user1] address = "unix://~/torrent/.socket/rpc.socket" pass = "1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef12345678" [user2] address = "" pass = "1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef12345678" [user3] address = "http://example.com/RPC2" pass = "1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef12345678" }}} ==== GeoIP support (optional) ==== #geoipsupport You need to install the GeoIP c library (http://www.maxmind.com/app/c), and the GeoIP PECL module (http://pecl.php.net/package/geoip) You'll need the following packages to to add GeoIP support to rTWi * libgeoip-dev * php-pear * php5-dev If you have the packages installed, type {{{ pecl install geoip }}} After you finished, you might want to add "extension=geoip.so" to php.ini == Troubleshooting == #troubleshooting '''XMLRPC-C 1.11 compilation stops with some syntax error''' * Configure with --disable-cplusplus * Check the [http://xmlrpc-c.sourceforge.net/ XMLRPC-C site] '''rTorrent compilation stops with an errer, which says, i have no libtorrent installed (No package 'libtorrent' found), but i'm sure, i do''' * Find your libtorrent.pc file (try /usr/local/lib/pkgconfig), and set the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environmental variable to it's path (export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/usr/local/lib/pkgconfig) '''rTorrent compilation stops with an error, which says, my libTorrent's version is an empty string (Requested 'libtorrent >= 0.11.8' but version of libtorrent is )''' * Upgrade you automake (you need 1.5 at least) '''I can see the php code in the browser''' * Your php settings does not allows you to to have a php file named .html - change these settings, or rename the index.html to index.php, and set the $default_ext variable to "php" in rtwi's /includes/config.inc.php * Php modul is not loaded by the webserver, take a look at your webserver's manual, to find out, how to enable it '''I get some php errors about XSL, or XSLT...''' * Install (or if it's installed, than enable) the xsl php extension '''I get some php errors about XMLRPC-C...''' * Install (or if it's installed, than enable) the xmlrpc php extension '''I've set my username and my password in the config.inc.php, but i cannot log in''' * Did you use the password? You should use the sha1 hash of the password (you can generate the sha1 hash [http://www.johnmaguire.us/tools/hashcalc/index.php online]) * Enable cookies (or at least session cookies) '''I get the "No connection" message in rTWi''' * Set the same port in your .rtorrent.rc file, at the scgi_port=, and in the rTWi's /includes/config.inc.php at your user's line * Check, if rTottent is listening on the port, you've set (netstat -na | grep 12345) * '''It is''' * Check your firewall * Recheck the port set in rtwi's incudes/config.inc.php * '''It is not''' * Recheck your .rtorrent.rc - it should have a line like this: scgi_port = * Try to set the scgi port in runtime (Ctrl+X, then entre "scgi_port =") * If rtorrent stops with an error, that says xmlrpc is not supported, configure xmlrpc-c with --with-xmlrpc-c, and recompile