= Welcome to rTWi page = == What is rTWi == rTWi is a simple [http://libtorrent.rakshasa.no/ rTorrent] web interface written in PHP by Gabor Hudiczius == Features == * Easy-to-use web interface for rTorrent * Manages your rTorrent downloads wherever you are * Adds torrent by URL or via File upload * Detailed information about your downloads * File list (change priority, download files from browser), Peer list (with optional GeoIP support), Tracker list (enable/disable trackers) pages * Password protection of the rTWi web interface offers you more secure remote management * Supports various connection methods (scgi_port, scgi_local, or via an SCGI gateway) offered by rTorrent * When using an SCGI gateway (like Apache or lighty) Basic HTTP Authentication can be used to protect rTorrent * Supports multiple rTorrent instances == Pages == * [wiki:Download Download] * [wiki:InstallationGuide Installation guide] * [wiki:Changelog Changelog] * [wiki:Screenshots Screenshots] * [wiki:Contact Contact] * Other stuff * [wiki:rTorrentOMeter rTorrent-O-Meter] - A munin plugin for rTorrent == Links == * [http://libtorrent.rakshasa.no/ Official libTorrent / rTorrent page] - The [http://www.bittorrent.org/ BitTorrent] library / The ncurses client * [http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=16847 XMLRPC for C and C++] - A lightweight RPC library based on XML and HTTP * [http://code.google.com/p/ntorrent/ nTorrent] - A graphical user interface client to rTorrent written in Java using the Apache XMLRPC library * [http://canbruixa.homelinux.net/wt/ wTorrent] - A PHP/XHTML web interface for rTorrent * [http://code.google.com/p/n2hell/ n2hell] - Ajax browser UI for rTorrent == Latest release == * [/rtwi/downloads/rtwi-0.2.3-080131.tar.gz rtwi-0.2.3-080131.tar.gz] == Keywords == [wiki:WikiStart rTWi] [http://libtorrent.rakshasa.no/ rTorrent] [wiki:Screenshots Web Interface] [http://www.bittorrent.org/introduction.html Torrent] [http://www.bittorrent.org/introduction.html BitTorrent] [http://xmlrpc-c.sourceforge.net/ XMLRPC] [http://python.ca/scgi/protocol.txt SCGI] [http://www.php.net/ PHP]