
Version 1 (modified by Gabor Hudiczius, 9 years ago) ( diff )


* Added 'execute.*.bg' commands for non-blocking calls. Always returns 0.

* Added support for prioritizing first/last chunk of files matching specified patterns. Default:

  file.prioritize_toc.first.set = {*.avi,*.mp4,*.mkv,*.gz}
  file.prioritize_toc.last.set  = {*.zip}

* Added 'method.rlookup' and 'method.rlookup.clear' commands for looking up the event handlers holding a specified key, and set views to support rlookup.

* Added 'd.timestamp.finished' that is set when a downloading torrent completes. For torrents that only seed it remains '0'.

* Added 'elapsed.{less,greater}' for checking the time elapsed since a time is less/greater, and it also returns false in all cases where the time is '0'.

* Moved the default value for 'system.files.max_size' to rtorrent, and set the default in libtorrent to ~0.

* Increased the default values for min/max_peers and max_uploads.

* Fixed a bug that would cause hash checking to block excessively in some cases.

* Fixed a bug when setting the pex flags.

* Fixed an issue where DHT's hashing function for TR1 unordered_map was casting unaligned size_t pointers.

* Fixed default session name.

* Added a missing inline that could cause linking errors.

This release is mostly intended to fix some bugs keeping the previous release form being marked stable, so expect this one to be declared stable in a weeks time unless something major comes up.
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