{{{ * Added 'execute.*.bg' commands for non-blocking calls. Always returns 0. * Added support for prioritizing first/last chunk of files matching specified patterns. Default: file.prioritize_toc.set=0 file.prioritize_toc.first.set = {*.avi,*.mp4,*.mkv,*.gz} file.prioritize_toc.last.set = {*.zip} * Added 'method.rlookup' and 'method.rlookup.clear' commands for looking up the event handlers holding a specified key, and set views to support rlookup. * Added 'd.timestamp.finished' that is set when a downloading torrent completes. For torrents that only seed it remains '0'. * Added 'elapsed.{less,greater}' for checking the time elapsed since a time is less/greater, and it also returns false in all cases where the time is '0'. * Moved the default value for 'system.files.max_size' to rtorrent, and set the default in libtorrent to ~0. * Increased the default values for min/max_peers and max_uploads. * Fixed a bug that would cause hash checking to block excessively in some cases. * Fixed a bug when setting the pex flags. * Fixed an issue where DHT's hashing function for TR1 unordered_map was casting unaligned size_t pointers. * Fixed default session name. * Added a missing inline that could cause linking errors. http://libtorrent.rakshasa.no/downloads/libtorrent-0.12.9.tar.gz http://libtorrent.rakshasa.no/downloads/rtorrent-0.8.9.tar.gz This release is mostly intended to fix some bugs keeping the previous release form being marked stable, so expect this one to be declared stable in a weeks time unless something major comes up. }}}