Opened 14 years ago

Closed 14 years ago

#53 closed defect (invalid)

Using unix sockets generates message "Nowhere to connect (malformed address)"

Reported by: Will Marler Owned by: Gabor Hudiczius
Priority: normal Milestone:
Component: rTWi Version:
Severity: major Keywords:


I followed the instructions and tried the following combinations of entries:

<.rtorrent.rc> scgi_local = /var/torrent/.socket/rpc.socket

<rtwi's "users.conf"> [torrent] address = unix://var/torrent/.socket/rpc.socket pass = [a correct hash; I can log in no problems]

Whenever I log in though, I get "Nowhere to connect (malformed address)".

I assume I am configuring something incorrectly, but for the life of me I can't figure out what. I've tried all sorts of variations with / in the "unix:" address above, I've run "chmod 777 -R /var/torrent" and I've verified that on startup rtorrent puts a file "rpc.socket" in the /var/torrent/.socket directory. I'm completely stumped!

Change History (1)

comment:1 by Gabor Hudiczius, 14 years ago

Resolution: invalid
Status: newclosed

unless you're trying to reach var/torrent/socket/rpc.socket inside your webserver's working directory, you're missing a slash in the adress field

to use an absoulte path (i guess, you want this) you should enter unix:///var/torrent/.socket/rpc.socket

the format is unix://<path>, vhere path can be either relative, or absolute, including paths staring with ~/ or ./

also make sure, your webserver has r/w access to the socket, otherwise rTWi won't be able to reach rTorrent

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