Opened 15 years ago

Closed 15 years ago

#54 closed defect (invalid)

Nowhere to Connect

Reported by: Erik Owned by: Gabor Hudiczius
Priority: normal Milestone:
Component: rTWi Version: HEAD
Severity: major Keywords:


I'm trying to connect using the RPC socket, but it won't let me.

My users.conf says

[ERD] address = "unix://~/torrent/.socket/rpc.socket" pass = "SHA1 of my password"

My rpc.socket is in /home/ERD/torrent/.socket/rpc.socket

The rpc.socket does exist, and is CHMOD'd to 777. So my web server should have access to this.

I can't quite seem to figure out what's wrong here.

This is also set up on Fedora 12, I don't know if that means anything different for my set up. Thanks.

Change History (1)

comment:1 by Gabor Hudiczius, 15 years ago

Resolution: invalid
Status: newclosed

please double-check, if you wrote everything correctly, since if you get an error saying "Nowhere to connect (malformed address)", it means none of the following applies to the address, you provided in your users.conf

  • it starts with unix://
  • it starts with http://
  • it starts with https://
  • it's a colon (:) followed by up to five numeric characters (port number)
  • it's an ip address, a colon (:) and a port number (in this order)

the mentioned error can also occur, when you provided the right address for a socket, but rTWi is unable to find it

it can happen, when the webserver does not have the proper permissions to read the socket

it's not enough to chmod the socket to 777, you need to make sure, that the server can get to the socket (it needs execute permission on the directories in the socket's path)

i'm closing this ticket for now, but if the problem stays even after you've checked everything, and set the proper permissions, please reopen it

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