

21:35 Ticket #54 (Nowhere to Connect) created by Erik
I'm trying to connect using the RPC socket, but it won't let me. My …


20:17 WikiStart edited by Gabor Hudiczius
20:15 rTorrentOMeter edited by Gabor Hudiczius


01:30 WikiStart edited by Gabor Hudiczius


02:24 Ticket #21 (Configuration option to have "add URL" as default) updated by Gabor Hudiczius
Status, Severity, Milestone changed
02:24 Ticket #20 (Multi-torrent input) updated by Gabor Hudiczius
Status, Severity, Milestone changed
02:22 Ticket #53 (Using unix sockets generates message "Nowhere to connect (malformed ...) closed by Gabor Hudiczius
invalid: unless you're trying to reach var/torrent/socket/rpc.socket inside …
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